Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag some people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have Fun!!

1. What is your name: Azlina Jamal

2. A four Letter Word: A.M.P.U (don’t try this at home or at school..huhu)

3. A boy's Name: Ahmad Dhani..my first ever nephew...incoming soon aku nak pompuan la..nanti aku nak perm rambut dia..comey..

4. A girl's Name: Anis Syuhada (my friend..slalu ponteng skola ngan aku, nyorok kat hostel..pastu kantoi ngan cikgu wazer ngan cikgu norsham..hahaha....)

5. An occupation: Amah..

6. A color: Aaaaaaaaaa…aku pon tak tahu..( leh trime tak jawapan nih?)

7. Something you wear: Anklet

9. A food: Ayam goreng..weng..weng..

10. Something found in the bathroom: Ambi pur

11. A place: Antartik
12. A reason for being late: “
Anak den domam kat umah..bawak g klinik td..”

13. Something you shout: “An**** nye budak!!”

14. A movie title:
walk to remember.. (cis..cerite ni sgt best..)

15. Something you drink:

16. A musical group: Andra and the backbone..( kau begitu sempurna….di mata ku kau begitu indah….)

17. An animal: Ayam..bermacam ayam.. (ikut tone lagu jalil hamid)

18. A street name: Azlina’s boulevard <<<ß--tang ni memg memohong..hahah

19. A type of car: Ade ke kete yg eja mule hurup A?.. (x menjawab soklan tol..wakaka)

20. The title of a song: Aku dan dirimu..BCL and ari lasso

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